For people who don't mind reading some English, here is a blog that I just discovered:
花崗齋雜記 Jottings from the Granite Studio
It is written by an American, who is doing his PhD in Beijing on Chinese history. He writes about his experience in China, sometimes quite comical. He has a Chinese girl friend, who just became his wife.
I found the blog very interesting, as I myself start to look at my China using an increasingly American standard. But this also makes me wonder why my life in America seems mundane. It is not like I am already 100% used to America. But I don't think that there's much interesting to tell my fellow Chinese friends about.
Maybe it's because I don't have an American girl friend? That would obviously make good blog stories. Not that I haven't given any thoughts to that possibility, but I have my own serious doubts on how that sort of things would ever work out.