星期一, 五月 09, 2005

Name meanings

Find about yours here...

Here is what they say about Fabian.
Bean grower : Latin

With your charismatic personality and persuasive powers you naturally attract all the good things in life which you could want. Kind, generous and sincere you are a good friend and partner with strong attachments to home and family. You are ambitious and have sound business acumen, this together with a natural love of life ensures that you enjoy success financially and in your relationships.
That's SO me!!!!! Seriously, that is me :-))))

It even works for PinYin. For my last name:
Balanced and fairminded you possess the ability to use sound reason and judgement when determined and decisive action is required. Persuasive and logical you tend to be an influential figure in your circle of friends and associates. You are extremely adaptable and this is necessary as you seem to be continually being presented with decisions of a life altering nature.
I like this description, too. Don't know if that applies to 30 million other Chineses as well :-)

OK, gotta quit being silly. I promised I'd go to bed early tonight. That's it for me. Thank you, everybody. You've been great...

4 条评论:

yfabian 说...

I vaguely remember it works like this in xp: if you want to input á/é/í/ó/ú, you press ' key first, then press a/e/i/o/u.

I use a Mac...

iMashimara 说...

"have sound business acumen"
--it's so not you ahhhhh....

匿名 说...

Balanced and fairminded you possess the ability to use sound reason and judgement when determined and decisive action is required. Persuasive and logical you tend to be an influential figure in your circle of friends and associates. You are extremely adaptable and this is necessary as you seem to be continually being presented with decisions of a life altering nature.


匿名 说...

wut a BS site!~