星期二, 二月 08, 2005


  • 我们中华上邦的文化精粹已经开始照耀这片蛮夷之地。上午seminar前老板对我说鸡年快乐,旁边另一老外马上接口道,不宜婚嫁。

  • 天道酬勤。早起去了上午的seminar,居然有pizza。爽爽的吃了三大块。新年果然新气象。

  • U2的新歌Vertigo里一开始是西文uno, dos, tres, catorce。意思是一,二,三,十四。这个十四真的是神来之笔,跟我的blog里的文章一样无理头。于是我想,要是U2请我给他们作中文版,我就写一,二,三,十四... 四是四,十是十,十四是十四...
  • 3 条评论:

    q15595 说...

    Is this the song they play a lot during the NBA intermission? Seems U2 are coming to Seattle on April 24. 40, 80, 125...

    yfabian 说...

    Yes, that's the song. I personally think the song sucks. The lyrics is a joke. "Just give me what I want, and no one gets hurt", I mean, hahaha, I can use this line next time when I'm robbing people. The adding of Spanish doesn't make any sense. But it kinda gets you after being played so many times. The power of repetition...

    The Seattle concert tickets were all gone. I was just thinking about grabbing people to go and then learned about that news... Now it seems that I can save some money :-)

    匿名 说...

    well, check www.ticketsnow.com
    there seems to be some tickets left. if u decide to order from there, let me know, i have a giftcard u can use.