今天又长学问了。从梅丽莎那里听说,2月2号乃是Groundhog Day。这一天,地底下昏睡了一冬天的groundhog会出来溜达溜达呼吸点新鲜空气什么的。要是他们溜达完了回洞里接着装死,说明还会有六个礼拜的冬天。如果他们不回去睡觉了,那春天就真的来了。我今天早晨起来溜达了一圈,决定冬天已经过去了!我决定管我们实验室的新HP打印机叫大象。这家伙实在太巨大了。我们把他抬到桌上,插上电源,一按开关,扑哧一下,全实验室的灯都黑了,计算机嘟嘟地纷纷重启,各种备用应急电源嘀嘀乱响,不知道的以为我们实验室遭到基地组织袭击了呢。昨天看到的iMac不是我们的。
4 条评论:
Ground Hog Day , there is a movie actored by Bill Murray and the actress is the one in 4 funerals and 1 wedding. It is about the guy stuck all his life in that ground hog day to report the stupid ceremony of watching the ground hog's behaviour. you might have a check on that.
加了一个关于Groundhog Day的Wiki百科全书连接。
Andie MacDowell曾经我非常之喜欢,因为觉得她在4 weddings and 1 funeral里数bf的样子好酷...
Hugh Grant's reaction was even more interesting when she did the counting.
I totally missed that :)