许多热心读者报告说用Internet Explorer无法看到我的blog。据本人研究,这是由于IE处理unicode的中文网页有问题。许多人把windows的非unicode字符编码设定成GB2312以便和旧的windows系统兼容,这时候IE就会出现这个问题。如果把上面的设定改成en_US,IE就可以显示了。具体设定的地方是在control panel里的Regional and Language options里的Advanced设置,如果把China(PRC)改成English(United States)就一切正常了。
3 条评论:
That's because the computers in the lab are most likely set up to english. So they work.
IE is falling now!
That's why I use firefox (identified as Mozilla before 2005), which has a lot cool features!
I use Firefox too! And I use a mac, hehehehe, no windows for me!